Frequently Asked Questions – Pump

Frequently asked questions – pump is where you will find answers to some frequently asked questions regarding the online Pump class.

Will Pump make me all muscly?

No. Pump is a class where you use weights to help you tone and strengthen your body and muscles, not a weight lifting class to bulk up. If you are looking for a body that looks like a body builder, you would be better off lifting high weights with low reps along with a specialist diet.

Do I have to change weights for each track?

You don’t HAVE to, but it is recommended to ensure that you have the correct weight for the correct muscle group. If you go too high with your weights, you could cause injury and if you go too low with the weights, you will not get as much benefit from the class. In both cases your technique may suffer.

What if I want a weight higher than 5k on either side of my bar in the warm-up?

It is not recommended that you start higher than 5k on either side of your bar. Your muscles have not yet been warmed up and you could cause yourself injury. I know it is tempting to have your squat weight applied so you don’t have to change the weight, but it is not worth the risk.

I don’t have a bar, can I use something else?

Yes. You can use anything you like, dumbbells, hand weights, milk bottles, buckets filled with stuff, even strip resistance bands. As long as you have a balanced weight and it is safe to use, you can use it.

My knees hurt when doing squats and lunges, why is that?

It could be a number of things. Take a look at my technique videos, practice in front of a mirror. Try reducing your weights or change your weights to plates at your chest. If none of these make a difference, I would recommend going to your doctors for a consultation.

My back hurts when doing squats, why is that?

It could be a number of things. Take a look at my technique videos, practice in front of a mirror and try reducing your weights or change your weights to plates at your chest. If none of these make a difference, I would recommend going to your doctors for a consultation.

Why can’t I lift much in the shoulder track?

Your shoulder muscles are small and will fatigue very quickly. Also, we have used our shoulder muscles to help us with other moves throughout the class as they assist in some way with most of the moves we do. Please do not be disheartened if you cannot use high weights, it is more about the repetitive movement than the weight you are lifting.

My neck hurts doing core work, why?

This could be because you are pulling with your head and using your neck muscles instead of your core muscles. Try this in a crunch; tuck your chin in and roll up from your collar bone. Squeeze your abs by letting your rib cage move down towards your pelvis (hips) and breath out. Push your lower back into the floor and slowly lower yourself back down to the floor. The change of focus from your head to your core, should stop your neck from hurting.

I have an injury / medical condition, can I still take part?

Please seek medical advice before attempting the Pump programs as you would not want to aggravate the injury / medical condition and make it worse.

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss anything further, please contact me.